Pacific College of Health and Sciences Help Center

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    How to join Zoom Class Meetings in two different ways

    Join from Calendar or link in the Week section.

    First, log in to Moodle and select the course shell you need > Go to Course Dashboard

    Join from Calendar:

    1. On the course dashboard, scroll down to go to the calendar block: 

    2. Select the dot on the date you're going to have the class meeting: 

    3. Click on the link under the block with your meeting's title:

    4. Then click on "Open" to open the Zoom Desktop App and join your meeting:

    Join from the Week section: 

    1. Select the class course shell you need and see under the contents section: 

    2. Click on one of the weeks where there should be a class, and on the right side, you'll see a link to join the class meeting: 

    3. Click on the link with the Zoom icon, and you'll be taken to a page with all the upcoming meetings for that class. To join it, click on the Join button as shown in the "Upcoming events" section:

    Important note: To join all of your Zoom Class Meetings at the Pacific College of Health and Science, you need to be logged in with your Pacific College Zoom account. To do so, you need to log in using the SSO (Single Sign-On).

    If you encountered any problems during this process, contact our tech support team for assistance. You can reach them by Clicking Here

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