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    How to login to Library computers

    Learn how to login to the library computers and logout at the end of your session.

    IMPORTANT! Library computers are available to the whole Pacific College student body. Make sure that you sign out of the computer before leaving. This is important for your security and privacy. If you do not sign out someone may use your account on the computer, and potentially access your sensitive information.

    Step 1

    Before you log in to the Library computer, you need to acknowledge and agree to the following points by clicking on the OK button:

    • Agree to save your files to personal storage devices or cloud storage solutions.
    • Acknowledge the inevitable loss of your data if you do not save it to your personal storage.
    • Agree to abide by Pacific College Network Policy.
    • Agree to the terms of the Pacific College acceptable use policy

    Step 2

    Once you have agreed and accepted our school computer policy by clicking OK, you will be prompted to enter your username and password to sign in. 

    (Note: You need to use the same username and password as for all other information technology accounts. For example, if your email is to login to library computers you will use username: jsmith, password: same as school email.)

    Step 3

    Please, allow up to 15 seconds for the account login and then you may use all the available resources on the library computer. Once logged on, you will find Microsoft Office shortcuts and other shortcuts to our provided school services hosted on 

    Note: There are some new shortcuts added, most of these added shortcuts are desktop versions of the very same shortcuts from the Studenthub home page. (Some shortcuts include: Student Portal, school email, OneDrive, and eLearning 


    Step 4

    At the end of your session, you will need to sign out. To sign out double click on the Sign Out shortcut on the desktop.


    (Note: once you sign out all your information will be cleared from the computer. Before you sign out, make sure to save all your data on a flash drive, OneDrive, or other external storage of your choice.)


    There is another method to end your session, located on all library computer desktops is a restart icon. The computer will restart as soon as you click it. (Important: Only click when you do not have any unsaved documents open, otherwise you will lose any unsaved documents)

    Saved Documents

    We highly recommend that you use OneDrive or any Personal storage device to save your work immediately.  Any saved documents will be held on our computers for a total of 1 week. 

    If you are unable to log in to the library computers, please seek assistance from your local library assistant or the IT Help Desk.

    Furthermore, if you encountered any problems during this process, contact our tech support team for assistance. You can reach them by CLICKING HERE

    If you encountered any problems during this process, contact our tech support team for assistance. You can reach them by Clicking Here

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